Evaluation of the mechanical properties of modified concretes with glass microspheres and tire debris





Waste tire rubber, Modified concrete, Hollow glass microspheres, Compressive strength, Modulus of elasticity, Mechanical properties, Workability, Slump, Mechanical performance, Green materials


The combined effect of recycled tires and microspheres as substitutes of raw material to produce modified concrete as of raw materials used in the manufacture of traditional concrete was explored in this work. Traditional and mix concrete were designed and modified concrete mixes with 15% by mass of fine aggregate were replaced in a 0:1, 1:1, 1:3, 3:1 and 1:0 were designed and prepared. With the prepared concrete mixes cylindrical specimens of 5mmx300mm in diameter were made. The evaluation of mechanical and physical properties of the cylindrical specimens showed that the materials with the highest content of tire residues exhibited the lower density, while those with higher microsphere content have a higher compressive strength; in fact, this is similar to the traditional concrete. As a result, the concrete mix design with glass microspheres and the mix design in 1:3 ratios showed greater mechanical properties then the other mixtures with compressive strengths of 22.4 and 19.1 MPa respectively. The results demonstrate that the combinations of microspheres and tire residues have a synergistic effect with a potential use in the construction industry as a replacement of traditional materials in the manufacture of concrete. In particular, it is expected that the use of these materials in the production of concrete, will become an alternative for the use of these wastes, which do not currently have a disposal plan.


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Author Biography

Oscar Felipe Arbelaez Perez, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Ingeniero Quimico

Magister en Ciencias Quimicas


Doctor en Ingenieria


Poseo la capacidad de plantear, analizar, diseñar y operar nuevos procesos o mejorar los existentes, en los cuales se efectúan cambios físicos, químicos y bioquímicos para transformar materias primas en productos elaborados o semielaborados. Mi área de trabajo está enfocada en la catálisis heterogénea, especialmente en la síntesis de catalizadores soportados (pellets y monolitos para el control de la contaminación ambiental, productos de valor agregado y la producción de energías alternativas (particularmente hidrógeno.

Desarrollo de materiales, especificamente trabajos en concretos modificados 


Profesor Investigador. 

Facultad de Ingenieria 

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Sede Medellin 


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How to Cite

Valencia Villegas, J. P., González Mesa, A. M., & Arbelaez Perez, O. F. (2019). Evaluation of the mechanical properties of modified concretes with glass microspheres and tire debris. Lámpsakos, (22), 16–26. https://doi.org/10.21501/21454086.3283



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