Proposal of an algorithm for the dynamic spectrum allocation on elastic optical networks (EON)


  • Sebastián David Ossa Hernández Universidad del Cauca
  • José Alejandro Vargas Gutiérrez Universidad del Cauca
  • Gustavo Adolfo Gómez Agredo Universidad del Cauca



Algorithm, cognitive, elastic networks, EON, FlexGrid, metaheuristics, NSFNeT, OPS, RSA, WDM.


This article deals with the development and implementation of a new proposal to perform dynamic spectrum allocation in an OPS Flex Grid network, using a voracious algorithm based on pendulum motion. This algorithm was implemented in a network with grids of eight and sixteen slots and was also compared with the LAUC-VF algorithm adapted to RSA networks, yielding satisfactory results related to the measurement parameters, such as the probability of blocking the network and the end-to-end delay. The development of this proposal provides a new alternative for the management of Elastic Optical Networks (EON) with fixed spectrum allocation over time.


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Author Biographies

Sebastián David Ossa Hernández, Universidad del Cauca

Ing. (c) en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones

Grupo de Nuevas Tecnologías en Telecomunicaciones - GNTT

José Alejandro Vargas Gutiérrez, Universidad del Cauca

Ing. (c) en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones

Grupo de Nuevas Tecnologías en Telecomunicaciones - GNTT

Gustavo Adolfo Gómez Agredo, Universidad del Cauca

MsC. Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones

Grupo de Nuevas Tecnologías en Telecomunicaciones - GNTT


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How to Cite

Ossa Hernández, S. D., Vargas Gutiérrez, J. A., & Gómez Agredo, G. A. (2020). Proposal of an algorithm for the dynamic spectrum allocation on elastic optical networks (EON). Lámpsakos, (23), 15–24.



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