Case study of the development of a BCI-based videogame


  • Erika Juliett Restrepo Zapata Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA
  • Alejandro Díaz Jaramillo Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA
  • Isabel Margarita Vega Rodríguez Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA
  • Sandra Milena Velásquez Restrepo Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje-SENA



BCI, Video game development, Design thinking, Serious games, Electroencephalographic signals, Applied research, Agile methodology, Project training methodology, Videogame, SCRUM.


This article describes the project-based training methodology of the National Learning Service –
SENA and its integration with an applied research project, which represents one of the most important challenges of the Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial, focused on involving the trainee in activities associated with research, which allows them to apply what they have learned, solving a real problem or satisfying a specific need. A case study is presented to illustrate how the project training methodology is used in the development of a video game based on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). The work was carried out by apprentices of the Associate Degree in Video Game Development; additional methodologies such as Design Thinking, and SCRUM were used. The results showed that integrating the training process with the applied research projects is pertinent to involve the apprentices in the research, giving rise to a higher level of dynamism and motivation, training professionals with technical and research skills.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Zapata, E. J., Díaz Jaramillo, A., Vega Rodríguez, I. M., & Velásquez Restrepo, S. M. (2019). Case study of the development of a BCI-based videogame. Lámpsakos, (22), 48–58.



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