Interactivity and connectivity at the service of the clothing industry
automated processes, clothing industry, data analysis, digital economy, Industry 4.0, Production systems, productivity, optimization, disruptive and emerging technologies, Information and communication technology.Abstract
The rapid advances in industrialization and computerization have stimulated the development of automatic, precise and sustainable processes. Industry 4.0 represents the technological evolution integrated into Cyber Physical systems, which combines intelligent sensors, artificial intelligence and data analysis to optimize manufacturing in real time. In this document, the panorama of new technologies in the field of Industry 4.0 is explored, with the intention of providing a different perspective, which allows to improve the traditional techniques of development and manufacture of clothing and that facilitate the permanent and fast response to the challenges that arise in the business world, through intelligent and responsible decision making. The use of technologies such as Big Data or Cloud provides the opportunity to optimize operations and provide added value by integrating products and services, considering that there is a more complex value chain, increasingly important digital channels and a more demanding customer. Many companies in the clothing sector have adopted these disruptive technologies, proving that they have a profound impact in terms of productivity, quality and service. However, the lack of powerful tools represents a major obstacle to exploiting their full potentialDownloads
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