Analysis of the effects of the channel release from the dam on the saline stratification of its movement to the cartagena bay


  • Jessica Patricia Alvarez Carval Fundación Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco
  • Cesar Augusto Tovio Gracia



Dam, Estuary, Hydrodynamics, Numerical modeling, Salinity, Density, Delft3D, Stratification, Simulation, Cartagena Bay


Estuaries are water creations that represent the transition from the river to the sea, therefore, they have characteristics of both from the river and the sea as well, an example of this type of ecosystem is the channel’s outlet from the dam to the Bay of Cartagena, this caused changes in the environment of the bay modifying the hydrodynamics (salinity, flowing and density patterns). Despite the research that has already been carried out in the area, those specific researches have not studied the salinity and density patterns in detail. That is why these elements, salinity and density are the object of this research work, through the simulation and validation of parameters that influence the saline stratification of the area, through the Delft3D numerical model, which focuses on this type of environment; that at the same time, characterizes the type of stratification of the saline interference in the area under the simulated conditions.


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How to Cite

Alvarez Carval, J. P., & Tovio Gracia, C. A. (2019). Analysis of the effects of the channel release from the dam on the saline stratification of its movement to the cartagena bay. Lámpsakos, 1(21), 51–64.



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