Construction and demolition waste in Guamo municipality, Tolima


  • Fredy Geney Cortes Montealegre



Sustainability, Reuse Circular economy, Waste, RCD generator, Comprehensive management of RCD, PGIRS, Building, Demolition, Environment .


Guamo municipality is located in the department of Tolima, it is located on coordinates at 4 ° .02’ north latitude and 74 ° .58’ west longitude; at a height above sea level (asnm) of 321 meters and with an approximate population of 31866 inhabitants [1].
This municipality must respond to the regulations established as a legal framework for the development of the daily life of the citizen and the relationships established among themselves and their natural environment. Resolution 472 of February 28, 2017, delivered by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, applies to all natural and general public that produce, collect, transport, store, benefit and dispose of construction and demolition waste (RCD) from civil works or other related activities in the national territory, as well as providing guidelines for the use and final disposals [2].
Based on the regulative principles enclosed in this agreement, an instrument is structured to be answered by those in charge of the construction works, in order to identify the practices concerning the use RCD, information that may be incorporated into educational programs that allow creating an environmental culture around constructive activities in order to accomplish a sustainable environment.


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How to Cite

pinzon galvis, sandra, & Cortes Montealegre, F. G. (2019). Construction and demolition waste in Guamo municipality, Tolima. Lámpsakos, 1(21), 65–74.



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