Temporal variation analyisis of erosion-sedimentation areas in tranverse profile of Marbella’s beach sector túnel de Crespo, Cartagena
Erosion, Coastal structures, Hydrodynamics, Morphodynamics, Slope, Profile, Beach, Sedimentation, InterpolationAbstract
Beaches are dynamic ecosystems whose morphological and hydrodynamic characteristics vary in time and space, as well as being determined by natural factors such as waves, tides and wind. These factors need to be evaluated for the management and recovery of the beaches; which is why, in this investigation the temporal and spatial variation of the sedimentation - erosion rates were evaluated from the quantification of the transversal areas in beach profiles raised in two morphological units of the Marbella´s beaches located north of Cartagena de Indias, in order to analyze the geomorphological characteristics of the coastal littoral zone, through mathematical models. Proving that the areas that are close to the coastal structures are the most affected by sedimentation problems, because sediments accumulate in them due to the weather effects at the time, Likewise, the zones of the morphological sectors that rules a natural beach were identified through the raised profiles of the study area.Downloads
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