Performance of Natural Mortar Samples Subject to Compression Strength Tests


  • Julián Alberto Patiño-Murillo Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA
  • John Jairo Castro-Maldonado Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA
  • Yessenia Carolina Gutiérrez-Sandoval
  • Jorge Iván Leal-Santafé
  • Oswaldo Hurtado-Figueroa Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA



Alternative Materials, Mortar, Physical Properties, Compression Resistance


The combination of materials by technology or mere chance allowed the construction and conservation of old buildings that to this day are still standing. Looking for the reproduction of this characteristics, materials such as lime, pozzolan, and gypsum were selected for elaboration of a natural mortar for comparison of the physical properties and compressive strength versus the Portland mortar.  These studies are required to establish a baseline for generating applications in different civil works. The experimental methodology included post-test only analysis with factorial design and intact group. In all the evaluated samples, sedimentation occurred due to the difference in particle size and the exudation phenomenon, causing low resistance values.


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How to Cite

Patiño-Murillo, J. A., Castro-Maldonado, J. J., Gutiérrez-Sandoval, Y. C., Leal-Santafé, J. I., & Hurtado-Figueroa, O. (2019). Performance of Natural Mortar Samples Subject to Compression Strength Tests. Lámpsakos, 1(20), 22–28.



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