Evaluation of the development in fluvial infrastructure for the logistical corridor of the magdalena river
Fluvial mode, Logistics, Multimodal, Fluvial infrastructure, Magdalena river, TransportAbstract
River development is one of the aspects that is in the public eye when talking about logistics development of the country. Unused for years, fluvial transport allows high load capacity, it is economical, its environmental impact is low and it has great capacity for multimodal integration. For all these reasons, this article presents an evaluation of the infrastructure development that the logistics corridor of Magdalena River has had in the last 18 years, beginning in 2000; it covers the proposals that have been made to encourage and strengthen the development of logistics operations carried out along the river. The methodological exercise involves a description of the investment in development and infrastructure made to the ports of the logistics corridor under study, among them Puerto Salgar in Cundinamarca department, and the exit of the tributary in Barranquilla’s port. It also includes the current situation of the operations made in the corridor, as well as in the corridors that are being studied by governmental entities with the purpose of being intervened in accordance with the restrictions that the tributary presents. After displaying the information regarding to infrastructure, a description of the investment plans, development and implementation of the plans will be presented. Finally, the conclusion will expose a general approach to the situation of the river that allows to begin taking into consideration some elements to help the development of the corridor in the future.Downloads
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