Present and importance of the implementation of Big Data using the Hadoop and Spark tools
Big Data, Open Data, Volume, Variety, Speed, Hadoop, Spark, Map Reduce, HDFS, Data MiningAbstract
In the present article, a review was made on the relevance and importance of Big Data through the Hadoop and Spark tools. First the Big Data concept is contextualized from different authors and making reference to its importance in the different organizations, having as a premise, the three V that must be present when implementing Big Data (Volume, Variety and Speed).
Then, the Hadoop and Spark tools are analyzed, identifying their capacity to make more efficient the processing of large volumes of data, of different types of data and at a high speed, solving the problems that arose before when many data were going to be worked on.
Finally, a reflection is made on the importance of Big Data in the decision-making of an organization, taking into account that decision-making allows an organization to be competitive and to last over time.
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