Analysis of main components for structural characterization of manufacturing SMEs of cartagena de indias, Colombia
Analysis of main components, business structure, manufacturing, small business, SMEsAbstract
It was characterized by analysis of main components of 11 manufacturing SMEs (except machinery and equipment) of Cartagena de Indias, related to codes ISIC 1011, 2011 and 2511 with respect to equity, sales, assets, liabilities, profits and time in the market; Later a cluster analysis was performed combining the factorial method and cluster analysis.
The results show with respect to assets, companies that exceed 96 million pesos are observed, while some are below the $ 1,500,000, the values for the wealth of find between $ 243,432 and $ 43,198,363; Values surpassed by the highs and lows of sales. The average profits of the companies surpass the average liabilities of the same ones. The correlation coefficients between the variables indicate an association between the variables Patrimony and sales (correlation of 0.652); As well as between the active variables, liabilities and profits.
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