Web system for the management and monitoring of vaccination plan of the municipality of Medellín - SISMOVAC
Web system, Vaccination Scheme, Survey, Child PopulationAbstract
Dynamic technological infrastructures, such as the cloud web services, represent a new alternative of tools and information available for management activities within organizations that make extensive use of information. One of these services is the virtual management for the coverage of the vaccination plan in the city of Medellín. These tools must be supported by reliable architectures, easy to implement and to operate. In this project, the web application SISMOVAC was designed. Its main objective is data collection and management about the children that are part of the vaccination program in the city of Medellín. The system generates a survey where the information of the vaccinated and non vaccinated children is collected, along with the information of the vaccines that have been applied and the ones that are missing. It also registers the health service affiliation (EPS) of each child, the validity of the vaccination license, the district, the neighborhood and the address information. This web system guarantees that the information is collected, saved and the reports are generated in a safe and reliable fashion in order to perform a correct assessment and decision making process.
The design and development of the application was addressed by means of an object oriented methodology using Java Web, Html5, Dreamweaver CS3 and a database in MySQL. The design was made with the bootstrap tool that contains responsive design to allow the tool to be used in smartphones and tablets, since such devices are widely used by the users of the web system.Downloads
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Additional Files
- Modelos de casos de uso (Español (España))
- Caso de Uso que muestra del proceso al ingreso del sistema SISMOVAC y los actores intervienen en dicho proceso. (Español (España))
- Pruebas para el desarrollo de un software. (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC para el registro de usuario (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC para el ingreso a la aplicación (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC al inicio de la aplicación (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC para registrar una nueva encuesta (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC para el registro de los datos del niño (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC, encuesta donde se registra el plan de vacunación del niño (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC, revisión de encuestas registradas (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC, informe de una encuesta, zona y comuna de los encuestados (Español (España))
- Imagen del sistema SISMOVAC, informe de una encuesta, vacunas por infante y datos del niño encuestado (Español (España))
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