Bike Prototype for Sustainable Individual Urban Transportation




Urban Bikes, Energetic Sustainability, City Transportation.


Nowadays inner-city transportation focuses the attention of local government policies among countries around the world, due to the exponential growth of vehicles with internal combustion engines (automobiles, motorcycles) during the XXI century. Nevertheless, adaptation of infrastructure that allow circulation of such transportation vehicles (avenues, streets, bridges, highways, etc) has been very limited. As a result, some proposals have arisen in order to promote citizen’s transportation optimization in the cities, including a better promotion of public transport, as well as encouragement of economic and sustainable ways of urban moving, for example bicycles. In this paper, authors show a case-of-study derived from a project containing both design, construction and commissioning of a bike prototype made up of environmental friendly materials, whose locomotion is based on the power combination of both human force and a motorized electric wheel, adaptable to different geographic conditions existing in the City of Medellín, Colombia.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Jaime Correa-Henao, SEDIC S.A. Ingenieros Consultores

Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica

Álvaro Andrés Ramírez-Piñeros, Profesional Autónomo

Ingeniero Mecánico, Magister en Ing. Mecánica y Magister en Energías Renovables


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How to Cite

Correa-Henao, G. J., & Ramírez-Piñeros, Álvaro A. (2017). Bike Prototype for Sustainable Individual Urban Transportation. Lámpsakos, 1(17), 40–51.



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