3D printing, a huge impact in jewelry
Advanced manufacturing, jewelry, makers, production, 3D printingAbstract
Through history jewerly has been part of several cultures symbolizing power and elegance. In Colombia, jewerly is a traditional activity inherited from the natives who developed special techniques making it easier for metal work. The jewels are manufactured manually with basic tools, without industrial equipments and specialized technology. The 3D printer arrival makes a huge impact in the production process, improving productivity, a better quality in jewel details and making better assembly-line production and personalization. This allows the manufacture of some jewels that are not possible to handmake. However this technology generate doubts in the jewerly sector and requires an investigation with successful cases, good and bad things related with the 3D printer and its characteristics. With this investigation the jewelers can evaluate the advantages of having a 3D printer with the exact specifications needed in their production line.
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