Opportunity to adopt marketing orientation strategies and orientation to the management of the supply chain in the detail sector: a case of study
Retail, trade, industry, customer, companies, market orientation, supply chain orientation performance.Abstract
The retail business is one of the busiest and most important business activities within the trade in Colombia and the world, so much so that the major companies are in an industry. In Colombia, retail trade is very important in relation to its contribution to various key indicators for society and its economy. Within this context it is important to point out the points of encounter between these theories through the analysis of a case study in a store that represents this business model. This article intends to make this approach through a theoretical revision of both fields of knowledge.
The research was performed using the empirical method, using methods of measurement and semi-structured interviews applied to customers in the retail sector, where criteria such as fidelity, customer service and physical distribution were analyzed, important components in the added value of the process of delivery in the retail trade.
At the end of the case study it was found that the retail, no single relationship relationship of a single presentation with the strategies of the hot sales girls of the children Service.
It was also observed that the sector must consolidate both the supply chain orientation strategy and the market orientation, considering that the maxima that are applied and maintained in the sector, for the improvement of organizational performance, a fundamental criterion for the Improvement of competitiveness for Colombia.
Market orientation has a positive influence on supply chain orientation and once on supply chain management, impacting on organizational performance.
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