Testing security: studies tools


  • Yahima Hadfeg Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Vianca Vega Universidad Católica del Norte




Testing security, Software quality, tools, security attacks


Today, due to the development and advancement of technology, software products are part of our daily lives. These products support almost all our tasks. These tasks can be critical or non-performance, and range from piloting a plane with an autopilot to enabling the operation of ticket dispensers or ATMs. By the criticality of the processes in which they are related, it is necessary that two fundamental characteristics be met; first, having achieved a level of quality and second, being safe products.

Software security is a nonfunctional attribute that directly affects product quality. Testing non-functional requirements to verify their performance, as it is done with the functional requirements, is a tedious task. As an alternative to this problem, tools that automatically or semi-automatically perform tests of different types of systems have been developed. The aim of this paper is to identify existing software tools related to testing safety. To achieve this objective a study of the state-of-the-art tools used for security testing is done from 2010 to date.


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Author Biography

Yahima Hadfeg, Universidad Católica del Norte

Estudiante del Magìster en Informàtica de la Universidad Catòlica del Norte.

Profesora por hora de la Universidad Catòlica del Norte.



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How to Cite

Hadfeg, Y., & Vega, V. (2017). Testing security: studies tools. Lámpsakos, 1(17), 84–91. https://doi.org/10.21501/21454086.1957