Tool for dimensioning of isolated photovoltaic systems
Accumulators, efficiency, investors, preformance, regulators, solar cells, solar panels, solar radiationAbstract
The development of a tool to deal with isolated photovoltaic systems is presented in this paper. The methodology implemented is based on different mathematic models analysis used in other systems complemented with work referenced by the bibliography. Additionally, a radiation database provided by Universidad del Quindio in Armenia, Colombia has been included throughout this work.
The software is designed by employing GUI Matlab®interface. This tool gives to the user the possibility of dimensioning an SFVA as well as to design and evaluate the obtained results such that it offers to make a correct decision toward a specific implementation. Finally, this software provides to the designer, the configuration parameters, a number of solar panels, accumulators, regulators and inverters needed according to criterion established either by the designer himself or given by the software itself.
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