Application of organic amendments for the recovery of physical properties of the soil associated to water erosion


  • Diana Maria Delgado-Londoño Universidad del Valle



Organic amendments, Water Erosion, Soil physical properties, recovery


It is of great importance to develop projects that identify and evaluate some of the factors which govern the erosion process focussing on soil physics, meaning the quantification of variables such as apparent density, real density, aggregate stability, humidity and organic matter, in studies that propose to find a scale approach in the estimation of soil loss based on the variables mentioned, under the influence of organic amendments.

These projects should aim to generate database for future studies in which designs or general equipment simulators to study the interaction of the physical process of soil, rainfall, runoff and infiltration are generated in addition to potentiate the results analysis of the chemical and biological properties associated, experimenting with different variations of parameters such as earrings, dose amendments and mulches, formulating mathematical models to group the important factors considered in the analysis and generalize to any conditions or to a particular area who is having problems of erosion.


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How to Cite

Delgado-Londoño, D. M. (2017). Application of organic amendments for the recovery of physical properties of the soil associated to water erosion. Lámpsakos, 1(17), 77–83.