Generator of Values for Functional Test Cases


  • Arloys Macías-Rojas Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,
  • Martha Dunia Delgado-Dapena Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,
  • Jenny Fajardo-Calderín Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,
  • Danay Larrosa-Uribazo Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,



test cases design, test values generation, software test, functional test


Several authors agree with the importance of the tests like element of quality control of the software and in the impossibility of their realization of exhaustive way. This opinion defends that, the necessary quantity of stages and test values to achieve the maximum coverage is too big, what converts the test-case design, and in particular the generation of its values, in a combinatorial problem. That´s why, in many instances, in front of the impossibility of covering all the stages, testers leave out of the design some interesting values, which can discover inconsistencies with the specified requirements. This work presents a proposal for the automatic generation of values of functional test cases, by means of the use of meta-heuristic algorithms and maximizing the coverage of the stages. Furthermore, the algorithms implemented for the generation of initial values and for the generation of combinations are detailed. Additionally a set of good practices to use the component and the comparison of the obtained results with other existing solutions are described.


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Author Biographies

Arloys Macías-Rojas, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,

Ingeniero, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría, (Facultad de Ingeniería Informática), La Habana-Cuba,

Martha Dunia Delgado-Dapena, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,

Doctora, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría, (Facultad de Ingeniería Informática), La Habana-Cuba,

Jenny Fajardo-Calderín, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,

Master en Ciencias, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría, (Facultad de Ingeniería Informática), La Habana-Cuba,

Danay Larrosa-Uribazo, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría La Habana, Cuba,

Estudiante, Centro Universitario José Antonio Echeverría, (Facultad de Ingeniería Informática), La Habana-Cuba,


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How to Cite

Macías-Rojas, A., Delgado-Dapena, M. D., Fajardo-Calderín, J., & Larrosa-Uribazo, D. (2016). Generator of Values for Functional Test Cases. Lámpsakos, (15), 51–58.