Trace Alignment Algorithm Implementation Using Parallel Programming Techniques


  • Marlis Fulgueira-Camilo Centro de Investigación Tecnológica Integrada La Habana, Cuba
  • Ernesto Insúa-Suárez Centro de Investigación Tecnológica Integrada La Habana, Cuba
  • Humberto Díaz-Pando



CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, Process Mining, Trace Alignment


The article refers to an algorithm in the field of mining processes, Trace Alignment, aimed at detecting anomalies in a sequence of patterns and identify common patterns. The analysis of the traces generated by the business process may take considerable time, given that a large part of the process, today, are computerized. The algorithm in question is parallelized using the shared memory paradigm, specifically OpenMP, CUDA and OpenCL. The parallel proposed design has two stages: a first construction where the similarity matrix and a second where pairs or sets of traces at the same time is aligned. The results indicate that, with the proposed design, the best times are obtained using OpenMP


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How to Cite

Fulgueira-Camilo, M., Insúa-Suárez, E., & Díaz-Pando, H. (2016). Trace Alignment Algorithm Implementation Using Parallel Programming Techniques. Lámpsakos, (15), 11–21.



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