Expert System for Both Pavement Damage Management and Compacted Roads


  • Víctor Daniel Gil-Vera Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó Medellín, Colombia



Expert systems, roads, pavement, damage management.


Considering the diverse type of damages that can be generated on paved or compacted roads, and the necessary actions to solve this situation, it is definitely an important project to be solved for the national road maintenance. The aim of this paper is to present the ROAD Expert System development, designed to support the management and prevention of damage in the physical conditions of the national road network. This work is divided in three parts: first, it presents the basic theory of expert systems and systematic literature review (SLR); second, it presents the methodology used to develop the expert system; and the end third, it presents the system. With the development of this work, concluded that the expert systems (ES) facilitate the management of road maintenance and can reduce the costs associated with external consults.


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Author Biography

Víctor Daniel Gil-Vera, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó Medellín, Colombia

Docente Investigador


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How to Cite

Gil-Vera, V. D. (2016). Expert System for Both Pavement Damage Management and Compacted Roads. Lámpsakos, (15), 22–29.