Production, Reserves and Sustainability of Energy in Venezuela


  • Juan Carlos Rojas-Zerpa Profesor Escuela de Diseño Industrial - Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
  • José María Yusta-Loyo Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica Universidad de Zaragoza



Energy, Energy Power, Energy Resources, Sustainable Energy, Venezuela


The purpose of this work is related to the overall assessment of the energy resources of Venezuela and its global strategic positioning, mainly concerned with the production and consumption of primary energy and reserves. Likewise, we have evaluated the renewable energy resources in order to identify opportunities for sustainable energy development. The results indicate that Venezuela has fossil resources for more than 130 years of exploitation, making it an important energy power in the global context. The exploitable potential of renewable energy resources doubled the fossil fuel production in 2011. The current use of these sources is less than 2 % of the total renewable energy available, which leaves open a wide range of possibilities for diversification of the national energy mix through clean or sustainable energy


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Rojas-Zerpa, Profesor Escuela de Diseño Industrial - Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

Profesor Departamento de Teoría y Metodología, asignatura "Ecología Industrial".


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Ministerio del Poder Popular de Petróleo y Minería. “Anuario petróleo y otros datos estadísticos 2012”. Dirección de Planificación y Economía de la Energía, Caracas-Venezuela, Junio de 2014. Disponible en:

United Nations Statistics Division: Environment Statistics Country Snapshot, Venezuela, 2007.

J. Martínez. “Energías renovables - Potencial energético de los recursos aprovechables”. División de Energías Alternativas, Ministerio de Energía y Minas, Venezuela, 2001.

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Fundación para la Electrificación Rural de Venezuela (FUNDELEC). “Logro en cifras 2005 – 2011”. Programa Sembrando Luz, Caracas – Venezuela, 2011.

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How to Cite

Rojas-Zerpa, J. C., & Yusta-Loyo, J. M. (2015). Production, Reserves and Sustainability of Energy in Venezuela. Lámpsakos, (14), 52–60.