The Chemical Industry: Importance and Challenges


  • Nancy Montes-Valencia Mayor grado Académico MSc. Ciencias-Química Institución que otorga el Grado Universidad Nacional-Sede Medellín Afiliación Institucional Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo Cargo Docente Auxiliar Correo Electrónico Dirección Calle 73 No.73A- 226 Teléfono 4480520 ext 1084- Cel 3117224266



Chemical Industry, Pollution, Sustainability, Green Chemistry, Energy.


Chemistry has always been present in the life of human beings to meet their needs and improve their quality of life. The chemical industry is now a major industrial sector present in most countries, which drives economic growth, creates jobs and provides various products; however it causes environmental pollution and uses non-renewable natural resources. Thus, the concept of green chemistry occurs in response to environmental problems whose structure is sustainability, its main objective is to harmonize the chemical to natural resources and prevent the generation of emissions. There is a major challenge for the chemical industry. This is to find alternative energy sources and become less dependent on oil, natural gas and coal. So the use of biomass for the production of liquid fuels is a good source of energy. Although other challenges are the care and conservation of water and nanomaterials.


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How to Cite

Montes-Valencia, N. (2015). The Chemical Industry: Importance and Challenges. Lámpsakos, (14), 72–85.