Proposal of a Management Service Model to Handle Cloud Robotic Systems by Means of Mobile Devices


  • Jaime Alberto Guzmán-Luna Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia
  • Íngrid Durley Torres-Pardo Docente-Investigadora Insitución Salazar y Herrera
  • Paola Andrea Galeano-Hincapié Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia



Cloud services, Mobile devices, Robotic systems, Tele-operation.


This paper proposes a model for tele-operation of robots using mobile devices (cellular phones and/or tablets) as a means of communication between the user and the machine; for this purpose it is suggested to use a server, which will store information on different specifications of each mobile devices; In parallel, intends to go to a set of Web services, that operate from the cloud to build them a custom user interface, which will facilitate tele-operation of the robot, through the collection of data and heuristics


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Author Biographies

Jaime Alberto Guzmán-Luna, Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia

Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Medellín, Colombia

Íngrid Durley Torres-Pardo, Docente-Investigadora Insitución Salazar y Herrera

Ingrid-Durley Torres received her Ms.C. degree from the Faculty of system engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin Campus.  Where actually is Ph.D Student and working as teacher research at Institución Salazar y Herrera from Medellin, Colombia. Her topic investigation are Artificial Intelligence (planning, semantic web, e-learning).

Paola Andrea Galeano-Hincapié, Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia

Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Guzmán-Luna, J. A., Torres-Pardo, Íngrid D., & Galeano-Hincapié, P. A. (2014). Proposal of a Management Service Model to Handle Cloud Robotic Systems by Means of Mobile Devices. Lámpsakos, (12), 43–51.



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