Engineering Requirements in Small Business within the Department of Risaralda


  • Cristian Andrés De-la-Cruz-Londoño Universidad Católica De manizales
  • Gustavo Andrés Castro-Guevara Lucasian Labs. S.A.S



elicitation, industry, methodology, requirements, software, stakeholders, techniques, tools


The purpose of this paper is to show the current state of the process of engineering of requirements in the small companies developing software in Risaralda department, and besides to check the way how this area of knowledge is approached by the academic sector. To do this, we created two tools which were: survey and interviews; additionally, a theoretical search was done. We chose to study the perceptions of those involved in this area, and the topics covered were: Stakeholders, prioritization, dependencies, traceability, user- centered design (UCD), restrictions, documentation, functional and non-functional requirements, meta-models and elicitation techniques. In the case of industry, the average is 4.1 (on a scale of 1-5) from there, it is concluded that the companies agree in some aspects according to their expertise in the development of engineering of requirements.


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Author Biographies

Cristian Andrés De-la-Cruz-Londoño, Universidad Católica De manizales

Docente e Investigador Universidad Católica de Manizales-Grupo GIDTA

Candidato Magister Ingeniería de sistemas y computación Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.

CEO Apps de Colombia

Gustavo Andrés Castro-Guevara, Lucasian Labs. S.A.S

Líder técnico en Lucasian Labs. S.A.S

Candidato Magister Ingeniería de sistemas y computación Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.


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How to Cite

De-la-Cruz-Londoño, C. A., & Castro-Guevara, G. A. (2014). Engineering Requirements in Small Business within the Department of Risaralda. Lámpsakos, (12), 110–119.