Collaborative and Emotional Interface to Interpret the Common Sense


  • Alberto Balcázar-Rengifo Universidad del Cauca
  • Fabio Hernán Cerón Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Grupo de investigación IDIS
  • César A. Collazos Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Grupo de investigación IDIS
  • Rosa Gil-Iranzo Universidad de Lleida-España



Common Sense, collaborative work, emotional elements, interaction, collaborative interface


The purpose of this paper is to design and to implement a web application that relate judgments associated to the common sense, the emotional connotation that they have to every person. To define the framework, it is proposed a set of features that facilitate collaborative work allowing users to interact and develop the generation of new knowledge, such as the user profile, which seeks to define the elements that process the information obtained taking into account the participants' defining features, the chat as a communication tool allowing users to interact in real time, a forum to collect the common sense written as comments by users, the use of emoticons which function is to represent the emotions associated to the comments written in the forum. A web application was designed to collect people's tacit knowledge known as common sense, in this application, the users can register and participate using the forums to give opinions about the different proposed topics. To validate the application usability, a survey was taken by the participants after using the application where the result shows that the inclusion of emotional and collaborative elements such as, chats, forums and emoticons, facilitate the users' interaction who wrote and associate emotions to their comments. It was also possible for the participants to discuss about each other comments, obtaining as a result many different discussion groups about a topic


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Author Biographies

Fabio Hernán Cerón, Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Grupo de investigación IDIS

Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Grupo de investigación IDIS

César A. Collazos, Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Grupo de investigación IDIS

Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Grupo de investigación IDIS

Rosa Gil-Iranzo, Universidad de Lleida-España

Universidad de Lleida-España


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How to Cite

Balcázar-Rengifo, A., Cerón, F. H., Collazos, C. A., & Gil-Iranzo, R. (2014). Collaborative and Emotional Interface to Interpret the Common Sense. Lámpsakos, (12), 52–61.



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