Collaborative Book Creation based upon the LATIn Iniciative


  • César A. Collazos Universidad del Cauca
  • Xavier Ochoa ESPOL
  • Virginia Rodes Universidad de la Republica-Uruguay
  • Jorge Maturana Universidad Austral



Collaborative Writing, LATin, Creation Pilot


Creating text book is now a task that involves different stockholders participation. Working under a collaborative environment is not an easy labour to carry on. It is important to define, make plans and realize structured activities that lead to a treully collaboration among all working team. When writing books, such technique is utilized in order to generate high quality documents. On this paper, the authors are going to show the preferred model emplyed to créate books under collaborative environment, fremd upon the LATin iniciative (Latin-American Creation of Open Text Books).


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Author Biographies

César A. Collazos, Universidad del Cauca

Profesor Titular
Universidad del Cauca

Xavier Ochoa, ESPOL


Virginia Rodes, Universidad de la Republica-Uruguay


Jorge Maturana, Universidad Austral



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How to Cite

Collazos, C. A., Ochoa, X., Rodes, V., & Maturana, J. (2014). Collaborative Book Creation based upon the LATIn Iniciative. Lámpsakos, (12), 120–130.