Genetic algorithm adaptation for the creation of routing trees into a wireless sensor network


  • Ángela María Rodríguez-Vivas
  • Juan Carlos Corrales-Muñoz Doctor of Philosophy in Sciences, Speciality Computer Science (2008) PRiSM Laboratory, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - L'UVSQ, France Doctor en ingeniería, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.



Genetic algorithm, Routing, Wireless Sensor Networks


Routing is an impact factor for wireless sensor networks (WSN) longevity; in applications like precision agriculture is essential to preserve the sensor nodes lifetime because deployment field (hilly land) location usually does not allow to recharge their batteries. In this paper a genetic algorithm adaptation in order to generate routing trees for WSN in the context of precision agriculture is proposed. The adaptation consists of including in the algorithm parameters from such a context, and of determining by means of experimentation the selection method that is best suited to the solution according to the convergence time of the algorithm


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Author Biographies

Ángela María Rodríguez-Vivas

Ingeniera en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad del Cauca - año 2009, con énfasis en Sistemas Telemáticos. Estudiante de maestría en Ingeniería Telemática en la Universidad del Cauca. Docente universitaria. äreas de inetrés: programación O.O., algoritmos aplicados a redes de sensores.

Juan Carlos Corrales-Muñoz, Doctor of Philosophy in Sciences, Speciality Computer Science (2008) PRiSM Laboratory, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - L'UVSQ, France Doctor en ingeniería, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.

Ingeniero en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad del Cauca, Magíster en Ingeniería Área Telemática de este mismo centro de educación superior y Doctor en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad de Versalles (Francia).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Vivas, Ángela M., & Corrales-Muñoz, J. C. (2013). Genetic algorithm adaptation for the creation of routing trees into a wireless sensor network. Lámpsakos, (10), 34–42.



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