Focus and scope

Lámpsakos is a digital publication, attached to the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia. It aims to disseminate original and unpublished articles as results of scientific and technological research in the areas of engineering. Founded in 2009, the journal has a serial and continuous periodicity comprising the months January-June and July-December (each article will be published as soon as its editorial process is finished, which is handled independently); the scope is national and international, with free access online circulation, governed by standards of scientific rigor and editorial quality.


Lámpsakos is open access funded by the Luis Amigó Catholic University, which deals with all costs of editing, publishing and dissemination. Therefore, it does not generate any charge to its collaborators (authors, readers, reviewers, librarians, etc.); it does not generate any financial compensation to the authors, nor members of the committees. The decisions and procedures are governed by criteria of academic quality, research excellence, integrity, honesty and transparency, so it adheres to the principles of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal is governed by the criteria issued by Colombian jurisprudence, in parallel, with the stipulations on copyright and those related to the information society. The publication also complies with the quality standards of various indexing and abstracting systems.

The code of conduct, as well as the guide for authors, must be adopted by any actor linked to the journal, according to his or her role.

The topics covered in the journal are addressed to all people in the academic, research, scientific and professional areas of the different educational, productive and business sectors that develop their activities around engineering. The works published correspond to aspects of scientific, professional and technological development in all areas and disciplines of engineering. The journal accepts for review and publication articles written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.