
  • Ciencia y Academia

    Science and Academia is a popular science journal that aims to showcase the investigative capacity and social reflection of knowledge in various national and international contexts; contributed by social and academic actors who directly or indirectly shape the educational project of our Luis Amigó Catholic University.

    The publication's interests are focused on: i) serving as a bridge for the strategic, rigorous, critical, and reflective engagement of the entire academic community with the research processes of the University; ii) visualizing and disseminating what is built in the daily practice of university experience, especially what emerges from research training, a dynamic in which both the role of the student and their relationship with the teacher, as well as the researchers' strategies for supporting learning, are fundamental.

    ISSN (Online): 2744-838X

    Journal DOI:

  • Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales

    The Colombian Journal of Social Sciences is a digital and semi-annual scientific publication that disseminates articles presenting results of interdisciplinary research in social sciences. It is interested in studies that address both classic and contemporary issues with a sense of social relevance. In this way, it aims to contribute to the development of these sciences through national and international debate on current epistemological, disciplinary, and professional challenges.

    ISSN (Online): 2216-1201

    Journal DOI:

  • Perseitas

    Perseitas is a continuous open access publication. It aims to disseminate, in digital form, research, theoretical reflections and systematizations on philosophy, theology and humanistic studies that address religious, historical, literary, social, political or aesthetic problems.

    It is financed by the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, which covers all the costs of editorial production, publication and dissemination. Accordingly, Perseitas does not charge authors for any activity of the editorial process or for publication; neither does it generate economic retribution to the authors who contribute to the journal nor to the members of the committees.

    Decisions and procedures are governed by criteria of academic quality, research excellence, integrity, honesty and transparency, thus adhering to the principles of the Committee Of Publication Ethics (COPE).

    ISSN (Online): 2346-1780

    Journal DOI:

  • Poiésis

    The electronic journal of the Psychology Program of the School of Psychology of the Luis Amigó Catholic University, has as its main objective, the dissemination of pertinent information on the developments of the different areas of psychology, both in our environment, and in the rest of the world; At the same time, it supports the Program in the fulfillment of its objectives in teaching, research and extension.

    ISSN (Online): 1692-0945

    Journal DOI:

  • Lámpsakos

    The aim of this publication is to serve as a broadcast media in order to bring up and to connect up various disciplines of engineering and also to disseminate, discuss and promote the variety of topics that can be analyzed from different sciences and fields of knowledge. The name of this journal honors the philosopher Strato of Lampsacus (340 b.C. - 268 b.C) who is credited with the first publication in history, following the steps of the scientific method in order to demonstrate that air is a material element, consisting of particles, such as either water or soil.

    In order to access the entire contents of the journal, we recommend registering. It will not take much time, but you'll have full access to all issues of the Journal Lámpsakos. Simply click on Register located above the bar "Home" journal.

    You may also find out about our call to all professional scientific and academic communities in the different branches of engineering to disseminate their papers in semiannual editions of the Journal Lámpsakos (see PDF or HTML call for papers).

    To submit an article for considering its publication go to Online Submissions. The publishing process is free and has no cost to the author.

    Lámpsakos is recognized in many scientific journal directories (Ebsco, ESCI, Redalyc, Dialnet). You may also find out more about our subscriptions to Open Access Directories worldwide.

    Topics covered in the journal are addressed to all persons in academic, researching, scientific and professional areas from different educational and productive sectors and firms whose activities are performed around engineering. The journal publishes papers of scientific, professional and technological fields such as Computer Science, Information Systems, Requirements Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Control, Automation and Robotics, Cyber Security, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Management, Water Management, Energy Efficiency, System Simulation, Operations Research, Engineering Knowledge Management, Education, Engineering, Project Management, Process Control, Chemistry, Materials Development, Thermodynamics, Energy Markets, Physics, Nanotechnology, Industrial Maintenance Strategies, Computational Models, Urban Planning and Architecture.

    Journal Issues

    NEXT ISSUE: N°. 21

  • Drugs and Addictive Behavior

    The journal Drugs and Addictive Behavior is a publication of scientific, semi-annual, dissemination of high-quality articles on the topics of psychoactive substance use and addictions that are the result of research or product of judicious reflection and theoretical relevance , professional and disciplinary in fields such as psychology, pedagogy, social work, medicine and other areas. In this way, it hopes to contribute to the development of processes of intervention, prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles and integral health of the people; in local, national and international environments.
  • JSR Funlam Journal of Students’ Research

    Funlam Journal of Students' Research is an academic publication, annual, dissemination of quality articles written by the Amigonian academic community, especially students. The texts are the result of participation in seedbeds of research or product of sound reflection and theoretical relevance in the fields of administrative, economic and accounting sciences; the social and human sciences; Political Sciences; education; philosophy and theology; engineering and related areas. In this way, it hopes to contribute to the development of skills, investigative, reflective, analytical, critical and knowledge transfer skills.
  • Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

    The proofreading phase has the purpose of detecting orthographic errors in the galley, as well as grammar and format. No major changes are made in this phase, unless agreed with the section editor. In Layout, click on SEE TEST to see the HTML, PDF and other available file formats used in editing this element.

    For spelling and grammar errors
    Copy the word or group of problematic words and paste them into the test corrections box with instructions to the editor "CHANGE-BY" as follows:

    1. CHANGE ... then the other POR ... then the others

    2. CHANGE ... Malinowsky BY ... Malinowski

    For format errors
    Describe the location and nature of the problem in the test corrections box after typing in the title "FORMAT" as follows:

    3. FORMAT The numbers in Table 3 are not aligned in the third column.

    4. FORMAT The paragraph that begins with "This last topic ..." is not indented.
  • Revista Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó (histórico)

    Luis Amigó University Foundation Magazine, digital version, was founded in 2013. Every six months, its objective is to disseminate, from the academic and scientific fields, research and reflections. It is aimed at researchers, professors, students, professionals and the general public. This academic and informative organ of the Funlam is committed to the production of texts and the dissemination of ideas framed in the training areas offered by the Institution.

    Luis Amigó University Foundation magazine has stopped publishing with the ISSN that it was active. For the dissemination of the articles, the Luis Amigó Catholic University Journal was created, on an annual basis, and to which they can send their contributions following the indications in


    Ph. D. Fredy Fernández Márquez.
    Editor Luis Amigó Catholic University Magazine.
  • Summa Iuris

    Summa Iuris is an open access journal with no costs for the evaluation and publication of articles. The texts sent must conform to the authors' guide for the presentation of articles and make the respective transfer of rights. The reception of the articles is done through the email
  • Science of Human Action

    The magazine Science Of Human Action is a biannual publication, in digital format, which deals with topics of Administrative Sciences, Economics, Accounting, International Business and related areas, with a broad sense to the discussion and dissemination of results of research projects of a national or international nature. Likewise, the journal hopes to contribute to the development of these sciences through debate in relation to current disciplinary and theoretical issues.