The exercise of power from the evaluation: a field of inquiry for the evolution of the colombian university




Historically, the classic space of formation (the classroom) has been exposed to the learning of content through the use of daily semantic memory, prevailing then the traditional learning about meaningful learning (De Posada, 2002, p. 101), the reflection in relation to these contents has been practically null due to obstacles, such as the use of simplistic methods by the teacher for the learning of concepts with a higher complexity rank and also the apathy from students to engage with the autonomous development of knowledge, a situation that finds an explanation for the addiction from the student to his/her previous ideas, the lack of motivation and positive attitude and the lack on empathy between the student and the teacher (p. 102).


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Author Biography

Marlon David García Jiménez, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

García Jiménez, M. D. (2019). The exercise of power from the evaluation: a field of inquiry for the evolution of the colombian university. Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, (3), 17–30.


