Display or philosophical decline: an inactual crisis?
It is true that, in the Musée d'Orsay, Ónice's work has a glow for its reckless title: "Nature discovering itself before science", but they forget that the first philosophers known as physis philosophers had already built the relationship philosophy-science. For example Democritus, philosophized about the becomings or changes in nature, makes it clear that everything that moves is in constant evolution. With this theory is framed an eternal return between science and philosophy; the changes are constant, and turns are allowed in the views from philosophy as well as from the sciences. They are in a constant becoming together.Downloads
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Deleuze, G. (2008). Dos regímenes de locos. Barcelona, España: Pre-textos.
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Popper, K. (1962). La lógica de la investigación científica. Madrid, España: Tecnos.
Spinoza, B. (2007). Obras completas. Valencia, España: Alianza Editorial.
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