Memory, subjectivity and media in colombian armed conflict


  • Andrés Felipe García Aguirre Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Communication media, Collective memory, Personal memory, Victims of armed conflict, Subjective positions, Psychic reality.


Media in Colombia has influenced the individual and social perceptions of the Colombian collective with its way to narrate the armed conflict. Thus, some victims of the armed conflict have configured their subjectivities, not only because of the psychic reality that has been constructed from the understanding of the subject with the violent event that triggered the trauma, but also from the media narratives about these events. For this reason, this article understands the subjective positions, in relation to the narratives of the media about violent events, in a victim of the armed conflict of the country, based on a case study referenced in psychoanalysis. The subjective positions presented in the results shows that the victim is positioned subjectively, in front of the media discourse, from the psychic ambivalence. These findings may suggest that the media discourse could operate towards the construction of narratives that seek to cooperate in the construction of both memories: personal and collective.


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Author Biography

Andrés Felipe García Aguirre, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Medellín, Antioquia


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How to Cite

García Aguirre, A. F. (2017). Memory, subjectivity and media in colombian armed conflict. JSR Funlam Journal of Students’ Research, (2), 95–105.



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