The cherry-picking in participatory budgeting: an approach to its determining factors


  • Juan Camilo Puentes Sánchez Universidad Santo Tomás



Participatory democracy, Citizen Proposals, Participatory budgeting, Implementation of public policies, literature review.


With the crisis in the current political systems, specially the representative democracy, the interest in academic literature, have concentrated in new instruments of citizen participation, like participatory budgeting. Although; this democratic instrument has been studied systematically by numerous authors. It is few known about the impact of participatory budgeting in the public policy cycle. In other words, it is still unknown what are the factors that determine the trajectories of citizen proposals in the implementation phase by local governments. To overcome this theoretical gap, the present article addresses the study of some contextual variables (electoral time, urban violence, number of proposals, and deliberative quality) and others related to the proposals (content, economic cost, and political cost) considered, that are determined in the implementation, modification or rejection of citizen proposals. All of the above, using mainly the literature on participatory budgeting and broadly, on citizen participation and participatory democracy.


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Author Biography

Juan Camilo Puentes Sánchez, Universidad Santo Tomás

Doctor (c) en Estado de Derecho y Gobernanza Global. Universidad de Salamanca. Magíster en Democracia y Buen Gobierno. Universidad de Salamanca


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How to Cite

Puentes Sánchez, J. C. (2019). The cherry-picking in participatory budgeting: an approach to its determining factors. Summa Iuris, 7(1), 114–139.



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