Legal Nature Of Maternity Subrogated Or By Substitution Within The Framework Of The Legal Business Theory In Colombia


  • Gustavo Andrés Lobo Garrido Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá



Identity, Perceived risk, Teenagers, Tobacco.


Given the regulatory vacuum in Colombia, the legal nature of the agreement of wills that has as its object to carry out Surrogacy or Substitution has generated considerable controversy, especially with the analysis of the budgets of its existence, validity and effectiveness within the framework of The Theory of Legal Business. In effect, the identification of the elements of existence and validity of the referred agreement, especially the determination of what makes up the object and the cause of the business, has led to a discussion on its legal viability in the Colombian Legal System. The foregoing denotes the need and importance of analyzing the legal viability of this business to proclaim its permission or prohibition.
The present investigation is of a dogmatic-legal theoretical type, where a qualitative documentary methodology was used and each of the specific objectives set out in the research project was taken as a basis.
The research strategy used is analytical, descriptive and conceptual, and together with the qualitative methodology, it was fundamental for the realization of the study.
For the processing and analysis of the information, the guiding model of “Systematization of the Documentary Information” was taken, through which the information was collected in an accurate and orderly manner, highlighting the key and essential points that were very useful and useful. for the development of the present investigation and the obtaining of results.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Andrés Lobo Garrido, Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá

Magíster en Derecho Contractual Público y Privado, Especialista en Derecho Administrativo y Abogado, de la


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How to Cite

Lobo Garrido, G. A. (2019). Legal Nature Of Maternity Subrogated Or By Substitution Within The Framework Of The Legal Business Theory In Colombia. Summa Iuris, 7(1), 78–96.



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos