The Current Situation Of Venezuelan Women: Advances And Challenges


  • Ana Villalobos Prada Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.



Venezuelan women, Conflicts, Indigenous people, Citizenship, Equality.


A brief approach to the situation of Venezuelan women, and a brief tour of their battles for the recognition of their rights, equality and protection before the law, is the objective of this investigative article. With it, it is noted that until the last century the Venezuelan woman was not yet considered a citizen, it is also highlighted that it was an accomplishment to have recognized the right to active suffrage. However, at present, the struggle for the recognition of gender equality continues, all this in view that stereotypes, that devalue and subordinate women, still exist in our societies. Gender inequality in Venezuelan society is a situation of fact and law, meanwhile it is observed that the current situation of Venezuelan indigenous women deserves special mention. Its affectation due to the development of mining activities and the serious violations of human rights to which they are subject. Therefore, and to support the above, we reviewed the literature that exists on the subject, applying in this finalized research, the method of documentary analysis, thus using the qualitative methodology and presenting research results.


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Author Biography

Ana Villalobos Prada, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.



Aliadas en Cadenas. (2015). Los Derechos y la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en Venezuela (Tomo 2). Caracas, Venezuela: Organización Aliadas en Cadenas.

Aliadas Medios. (2017). Comunicado conjunto del Grupo Interagencial de Género (GIG) con ocasión del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Caracas, Venezuela: Organización Aliadas en Cadenas. Recuperado de

Aliadas Medios. (s.f.). Declaración del Paro de Mujeres en Venezuela.

Aliadas Medios. Recuperado de

Aponte Sánchez, E. (2014). La violencia contra las mujeres y la ciudadanía. El caso venezolano. Caravelle, (102), 39-63. Recuperado de

Consejo de Derechos Humanos. Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Examen Periódico Universal. (2016). Processus de délégitimation de la violence contre les femmes Resumen preparado por la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos con arreglo al párrafo 15 c) del anexo de la resolución 5/1

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Naciones Unidas.



How to Cite

Villalobos Prada, A. (2018). The Current Situation Of Venezuelan Women: Advances And Challenges. Summa Iuris, 6(2), 308–322.



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos