Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors, The Borders Of Vulnerability, Irregular Status And Treatment When Arriving At Spain.


  • Selena Garavito Tarrifa Universidad de Valencia España
  • Ana María Sánchez Camacho Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Guerrero
  • Yocelyn Carbarcas Bru Universidad de Cartagena de Indias




Immigration, Foreigner minors, Origin, Irregular, Responsible.


Different migration processes have been carried out in history, which usually travel in conditions of vulnerability and undermine the dignity of people. Therefore, currently, the migration of unaccompanied minors shakes the receiving society; it is a defenseless population group that is exposed to situations of vulnerability. Unaccompanied immigrant minors and in an irregular situation, whether adolescents, girls or boys, are faced with a dream to improve their lives and those of their families that they left in their country; this is a very dangerous journey where, during the crossing, they are condemned to risk situations and adventures, without the support and safety of their families. The objective of this article was centered in proving that Spain is one of the European countries that receives unaccompanied immigrant minors from developing countries, and that currently the migratory movements are caused by situations of extreme poverty, economic crisis, terrorism, political, social and environmental factors.
Therefore, the Spanish territory, due to its geographical proximity to the African continent, is considered a transit zone, to reach other European countries, while these minors come from Morocco, Algeria, Angola, Burundi, Nigeria or Ethiopia, in lesser proportion from the Asian continent, such as China, amongst.
According to the report of some social organizations, like Save the Children, more than 5,000 minors protected by the Spanish state, unaccompanied migrant children, are at risk of social exclusion and are without any protection system that guarantees their integration, without the service of welcome and accompaniment by guarantor institutions to give them protection (Perazzo Aragoneses and Zuppiroli, 2018). To corroborate all of the above, a review of the literature has been carried out, applying in this finished research the method of doctrinal analysis, using the qualitative methodology to evaluate and present results.


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Author Biographies

Selena Garavito Tarrifa, Universidad de Valencia España


Ana María Sánchez Camacho, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Guerrero


Yocelyn Carbarcas Bru, Universidad de Cartagena de Indias



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How to Cite

Garavito Tarrifa, S., Sánchez Camacho, A. M., & Carbarcas Bru, Y. (2018). Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors, The Borders Of Vulnerability, Irregular Status And Treatment When Arriving At Spain. Summa Iuris, 6(2), 285–296. https://doi.org/10.21501/23394536.3178



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos