The Extractive Industry And Human Rights In The Colombian Post-Conflict


  • Jordi Feo Valero University of Ottawa, Canadá



Extractive industry, Human rights, Post-conflict, Peace Agreements, Colombia.


This article is part of a series that analyzes the phenomenon of the extraction of natural resources in the post-conflict framework in Colombia. In particular, it is intended to elucidate the performance of the extractive industry from the lens of human rights and the protection of indigenous women. With this, the topic is introduced, and it is analyzed the situation that has taken place in those territories throughout the Colombian conflict and after the signing of the peace agreements. The importance of the role of women is highlighted, as well as the role of this industry in relation to the violation of the human rights of indigenous communities, and their rights recognized by international law. Therefore, it is a research result of the research project, within the framework of the Proiect Coordinator at the Clinique de Droits de la Personne / Human Rights Clinic CREDP / HRREC, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, Canada, in which the method of jurisprudential and doctrinal analysis was used; the qualitative methodology was applied through the documentary review which allowed to evaluate and present results.


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Author Biography

Jordi Feo Valero, University of Ottawa, Canadá



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How to Cite

Feo Valero, J. (2018). The Extractive Industry And Human Rights In The Colombian Post-Conflict. Summa Iuris, 6(2), 250–284.



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos