The scope of participatory budgets in the implementation of public policies


  • Juan Camilo Puentes Sánchez Doctor (c) en Estado de Derecho y Gobernanza Global, Universidad de Salamanca España. Magíster en Democracia y Buen Gobierno de la misma Universidad. Abogado



Participatory democracy, citizenship proposals, participatory budgets, public policies implementation, and government.


In the academic literatura about participatory citizenship it has paid more attention to the participatory mechanisms and it has given less relevance to the relation between democratic instruments and cycles of public policies. Do we know the paths that follow the proposals emerged from the participatory budgets in their implementation phase? Can we explain the diversity of corresponding paths? The purpose of this paper is fo-cused on these issues examining some potential factors that explain this phenomenon, it is taken as a starting point the premise that at the end of the process arethe local governments those who choose selectively what proposals implemento r reject. To corroborate the previously mentioned, it has been carried out a literatura review from theoretical and empirical approaches that include the study of concepts more abstract as participatory deliberative democracy, and participatory citizenship mechanism such as popular assemblies, advisory councils and participatory budgets. All of this having as a trsversal point the incidence of contextual factors in the stage of implementation of public policies by local governments. Therefore, in this finished investigation, it was applied the doctrinal analysis method, using a qualitative methodology, through doctri-nal revisión, which allowed to evaluate and show results.


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Author Biography

Juan Camilo Puentes Sánchez, Doctor (c) en Estado de Derecho y Gobernanza Global, Universidad de Salamanca España. Magíster en Democracia y Buen Gobierno de la misma Universidad. Abogado



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How to Cite

Puentes Sánchez, J. C. (2018). The scope of participatory budgets in the implementation of public policies. Summa Iuris, 6(1), 131–158.



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