Basic and practical concepts of the extradition under Colombian criminal law: in search of cementing a treaty of general application and basis in human rights


  • Rodrigo Orlando Osorio Montoya Universidad Católica Luis Amigó Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
  • Omar Huertas Diaz Universidad Nacional de colombia
  • Filiberto Eduardo Manrique Molina Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos



Extradition, cooperation, human rights, treaty, and criminal law.


Under the issue of Colombia of 1991 Constitution, banned the extradition of Colom-bians by birth, all under the difficult social situation facing the country with the drug cartels influencing the political decisions of the time. However, it was established that, if they have committed a crime abroad, considered as such in national legislation, they would be processed and judged in Colombia. This situation changed on the occasion of the legislative act 01 of December 16, 1997, amending article 35 of the plitical charter allowing again extradition of Colombians (Osorio, 2015).
Therefore, the aim of this investigation is to understand that in this instrument of inter-national cooperation there are exceptions for the acceptance of extradition requests. The first one is national convenience, that is to say, for political, economic or social reasons, and the second is related to the sovereignty of the state. The previous ones must be of the analysis of the executive, because the power of this legal figure falls on this one.
It is understood, then, that extradition must operate in accordance with the constitution, the law, international treaties and the principles of criminl law, international criminal law and international law. It is being clear that, based on the foregoing, extradition does not operate in the case of political crimes, or hat, not being political, they will be carried out by a Colombian by birth before December 17, 1997. Besides, that crimes for which it is being requested are behaviours constituting criminalization in Colombia and the penalty for these is not less than four years of imprisonment and the person is legallyand formal-ly linked to a criminal process by indictment or its eqivalent resolution (Osorio, 2015).
However, there are many human rights violations that are committed with this type of procedure, and even more when the States do away with the regulation of such an important legal figure. The rules of extradition, such as international cooperation, must be the containment of human rights and the guarantees of human rights, their constitu-tions and laws, and the fact of having committed a thing.

Regarding the methodology, this research was carried out through the documentary col-lection and systematic reading of primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are official documents that include: government management reports, laws, decrees and resolutions, news reports, communiqués from social and political organizations, among others; Secondary sources refer to the reading of journals, analyzes and me-dia opinion columns. After this review, a second stage will consist of classifying and systematizing the information obtained, based on the textual and descriptive content sheets. In a third, the sequence of writing of the synthesis and inferential processes that gave birth to the final result of the text must be elaborated. Particularly in this research is sought, from the method of documentary analysis, applying the qualitative methodology, evaluate and show results to the knowledge of law.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Orlando Osorio Montoya, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política


Omar Huertas Diaz, Universidad Nacional de colombia


Filiberto Eduardo Manrique Molina, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos



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How to Cite

Osorio Montoya, R. O., Huertas Diaz, O., & Manrique Molina, F. E. (2018). Basic and practical concepts of the extradition under Colombian criminal law: in search of cementing a treaty of general application and basis in human rights. Summa Iuris, 6(1), 102–130.



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos