Organizational Studies and its position in Latin America: Theoretical and methodological approach and Latin American challenges


  • Mario Javier Naranjo Otálvaro Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo



Organizational Studies, Latin America, discourse, critical, knowledge.


The article begins with an approach to Organizational Studies (OS) that aims to uncover the origins and the theoretical-methodological aspects that generally guide this type of study and to help in understanding the complexity thereof.  This study will attempt to establish a relationship between OS and the category commonly referred to as “speech,” which is latently present in some Latin American authors in order to refer to and to develop analysts from a critical perspective on organizations. 

The article will reflect on a few Latin American productions regarding OS and will seek to identify the Latin American role in the global dynamic.  This will be accomplished by looking at some Latin American approaches in sociology to try and unravel the elements that articulate the Latin American “speech” within the worldwide output on this subject.

 The methodology used was to reflect on and to review the extant literature regarding the subject. One of the results of those reflections gives us a deeper insight into the amount of intellectual productions on OS and the current positions taken by Latin American scholars currently working in this field, and the theoretical and methodological basis on which they base their analysis. These positions appear not to be based on the same frame of reference within which organizational phenomena are analyzed elsewhere, but rather reflect political and economic characteristics that are significant within Latin American social relations. 

There is some challenging work ahead that must be taken into consideration due to the positioning and development of this new academic culture and research on OS that has recently begun to emerge in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Otálvaro, M. J. (2016). Organizational Studies and its position in Latin America: Theoretical and methodological approach and Latin American challenges. Summa Iuris, 4(1), 74–91.



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos