Colombia: A selective democracy?
Democracy, political right, reliability guarantee, ElectionAbstract
According to the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, it is the propose of this article analyze whether the rules of the Colombian electoral system is appropriated to human rights standards for the exercise of political rights under article 23th of the American Convention. To do so, It will be expose the state the Colombian requirements for the exercise of political rights, specifically, of the significant groups of people not affiliated with any political party or movement; then, It will describe the standards of human rights under the Court Decisions; finally, It will be argued that based on the mention standards, Colombian law does not suit them because the requirement for a bid bond through an insurance policy creates a restrictive practice.
At first, the methodology to be used will be descriptive: in this way a statement of national and international standards regarding political rights will be held. Then, to the extent that the case is set by the interpretive north of the rules described a case analysis in order to know, at present, as must protect the political rights by the states will part. Finally, will the argumentative process that will conclude by stating that Colombian regulations do not meet the human rights standards of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
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