Approaching to the concepts of effective judicial protection, world republic and global justice from the perspective of human and existential rights as discretion of vulnerability concept


  • Lina Castillo Bedoya Universidad de Manizales
  • Rodrigo Giraldo Quintero Universidad de Manizales



Access to Justice, human rights, world republic, vulnerability, globalization.


The main objective is to establish from the theory, hermeneutics and analytical-descriptive approach, the actual access and enjoyment of the right of access to justice from the most globally accepted internationalist theories which are the world republic, global justice and from the procedural right to effective judicial protection and its relation to the notion of vulnerability. These are based on equal opportunities and resources to everyone in the world on the understanding of solidarity and that the world must be one and to which all living beings we are in a vulnerable state compared to the average. On the other hand it aims to make an analysis from particularistic theories that make an apology to the inter-state relations and deny the concept of unity and solidarity among peoples of the world. Making a theoretical and hermeneutical approach on the purest justice concept to achieve global justice and world republic and thus support the anti-thesis of the same cosmopolitan where equality is not an answer to the question that arises centuries what is justice as the ultimate objective knowledge. The aim with state of the art is to elucidate the relationship between the most accepted worldwide as protection of basic human rights and the purest concept of vulnerability from the anthropological that implies freedom and equality of all theories internationalists individuals, as proclaimed human rights, and recognized by transcendental ethics that inspires every human endeavor.


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Author Biography

Lina Castillo Bedoya, Universidad de Manizales



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How to Cite

Castillo Bedoya, L., & Giraldo Quintero, R. (2016). Approaching to the concepts of effective judicial protection, world republic and global justice from the perspective of human and existential rights as discretion of vulnerability concept. Summa Iuris, 4(1), 24–47.



Artículos resultado de investigación - Estudios jurídicos y de derechos humanos