About the Journal

Focus and Scope



The Summa Iuris Magazine is a serial publication, open access and funded by the Luis Amigó Catholic University. In this understanding, the Journal does not charge the authors for any activity of the editorial process nor for the publication, therefore, it does not have economic compensation to the authors or to the members of the committees. Consequently, the procedures and decisions are governed by criteria of scientific, academic and research quality, thus responding to the principles of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

The code of conduct and the guide for authors, will be the guidelines to follow in the process of disclosure, these provisions that regulate Summa Iuris Magazine, respond to copyright and information, in this way, it responds to Colombian regulations and international, thus adjusting to the quality requirements of the indexing and summary systems.

In this order of ideas, and to guarantee quality, scientificity and transparency, Summa Iuris Magazine has the following support team:

Director / Editor

Eyder Bolívar Mojica

Doctor (c) in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice

University of Valencia

Associate Researcher Colciencias



Summa Iuris Magazine is a digital publication, with open access and every six months, which publishes scientific articles and presents research results in Legal Sciences and Human Rights; Its purpose is to build and strengthen academic debate and the social appropriation of knowledge, in addition to contributing to the development of law science around epistemological, disciplinary and professional challenges.

It is aimed at researchers and professionals at national and international level who have an interest in Legal Sciences and Human Rights.


Peer Review Process

Peer evaluation

The articles will be subject to peer evaluation under the double-blind modality, at this stage of the process the information is confidential and no personal data or evaluation concepts will be disclosed among the authors and evaluators. Once the evaluation has begun, the authors agree not to remove the article until the end of the process. An estimated time of one (2) months between the receipt of the article and the evaluation is contemplated, bearing in mind that this period may vary according to the theme of the article and other editorial processes.


Selection of evaluators

For each article, two peer reviewers will be assigned, who must be academic experts in the subject to be evaluated, in addition to having an academic level superior to that of the authors. They can not belong to the editorial committee or the scientist of the Journal, nor to the Luis Amigó Catholic University; If you are Colombian, you must be recognized as a researcher by Colciencias, otherwise, you must have a graduate degree and an H5 index greater than 2.



The address of the Journal delivers the article to the peers accompanied by an evaluation format in which the following formal and thematic elements are treated:

Relevance of the article in accordance with the interests of the Magazine
Correspondence of the title with the theme
Validity of the subject
Use of terms and concepts according to the discipline
Relevance of graphs, tables and figures
Appropriate use of citations and references
Current references
Novelty of work
Theoretical-methodological rigor
Text coherence


About the decision of the couple


The evaluation format presents three alternative opinions: 1. "It is published without modifications"; 2. "It is published with corrections"; 3. "It is not published."
In the event that the two evaluators consider that the article "is not published", the address of the Journal will communicate the decision to the author and send the results of the evaluations as support.
If both reviewers agree that the article "is published without modifications", the author is informed of the decision and the article is sent to the editing phase.
If an evaluator considers that the article should be published without modifications and another indicates that "it is published with corrections", the author will be informed about the changes that must be implemented and the date on which the document must be sent with the corrections requested.
If one of the two evaluators evaluates the article as "not publishable", while the other favors it, the management of the Review will appoint a third evaluator to settle the controversy. (maintaining the "double blind" modality) Once the third evaluation has been received, the author will be informed of the assessment.

In relation to the causes of rejection


The following shall be considered as such:


Plagiarism and self-plagiarism, adulteration, invention or falsification of content and author data.
That the article has been published totally or partially, losing the character of unpublished.
That the content does not have a level of originality equal to or greater than 80%.
The existence of conflicts of interest, therefore, is the duty of the authors to notify the Journal of any situation that may influence the results or interpretation of their writing.
Non-compliance with the guidelines of the Journal (code of conduct and guide for authors).
Writing in obscene, abusive, defamatory, abusive terms or in any way contrary to human dignity or the good name of a natural or legal person.
Detection of data collected without the necessary permissions of natural or legal persons, as well as false or agreed findings.
Any information or act that goes against national and international laws on copyright and protection of minors.

Causes of suspension

The detection during any stage of the process of any of the rejection terms described in this section.

Doubt or dispute of authorship and co-authorship.

Request of the authors of any type of privileges.




The committees will ensure throughout the process the academic and scientific quality of the Journal.
The Director / Editor, the committees and the evaluators will be free to express their opinion on the feasibility of publishing the article.
The Journal will not reveal to the evaluators the names of the authors, and vice versa, as long as the process of editing and reviewing the texts is completed. The evaluating group will be published in the preliminary pages of each issue.
In no case, the address of the Journal will require the author to cite it or one of the members of its team of collaborators.
The evaluators will declare the inexistence of conflicts of interest, with which their concept will not be biased by any type of convenience: financial, labor, professional, personal or any other from which a non-objective judgment on the article may arise.


Editorial decisions will be reported in a timely manner, in respectful terms and seeking mutual learning.

Each stage of the publishing process, publication and dissemination will be notified to the authors, who in use of their rights may make and request changes to the text until they are informed of the public disposition of the designed material.


Publication Frequency

The reception of the research articles is permanent throughout the year, but it is clear that they are established as dates for the choice of articles until fifteen (15) March for the number that is published in the second half of the year and the fifteenth (15) of September for the number that is published in the first semester of the year.

Open Access Policy

Patrimonial rights. The magazine and the individual texts that are disclosed herein are protected by copyright laws and the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 4.0 International License. © 2017 Luis Amigó Catholic University. Permits that go beyond what is covered by this license can be found at http://www.funlam.edu.co/modules/fondoeditorial/

Moral rights. Authors are recognized as authors of the work and the integrity of it is protected. Authors may have additional rights to their articles, as established in their agreement with the journal. In addition, they are morally and legally responsible for the content of their articles, as well as respect for the copyrights of the works consulted and those cited therein; therefore, do not compromise in any way the thinking of the Committees and Editorial Team, the Evaluators or the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making the results of research available and generating the global knowledge exchange.


License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Under the following terms:
Attribution - You must give credit appropriately, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use have the support of the licensor.

NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

SinDerivadas - If you remix, transform or create from the material, you can not distribute the modified material.

No additional restrictions - You can not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use permitted by the license.

The Magazine and the individual texts that are disclosed herein are protected by copyright laws and the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 4.0 International License. © 2018 Luis Amigó Catholic University. Permits that go beyond what is covered by this license can be found at http://www.funlam.edu.co/modules/fondoeditorial/

Plagiarism detection policy

Editorial review, anti-plagiarism policy and evaluation


The articles are evaluated to the extent that their result is relevant to the thematic axes of the Journal, as well as the structure and citation rules, after compliance with the criteria described in the authors' guide. Consequently, if the article complies, but must be improved, it will be requested to adapt it and make corrections in a maximum of 5 working days; Once the corrections have been verified, the second stage of the evaluation process will be carried out. And if you do not comply with this protocol, you return to the author.

Collections and payments to collaborators

The journal does not charge the authors for any activity of the editorial process or publication.

No economic rewards are generated for the authors who contribute to the journal or for the members of the committees.

All costs of editorial production, publication and dissemination are assumed by the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Download guide for authors

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CrossMark Policy

The Luis Amigó Catholic University uses Crossmark to keep its readers informed about the changes and the history of the articles published in its journals, in such a way that its contents are reliable.

CrossMark is an initiative of CrossRef that allows to control the versions and the state of the document. Thus, the Luis Amigó Catholic University demonstrates that
recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of the articles, as these are academic and investigative records.



Copyright and access to the publication

Moral rights. The authors are recognized as authors of the work and the integrity of the work is protected. Authors may have additional rights to their articles, as established in their agreement with the Journal. In addition, they are morally and legally responsible for the content of their texts, as well as respect for the copyrights of the works consulted and those cited therein; therefore, do not compromise in any way the thinking of the committees, the editorial team, the evaluators, or the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Journal History

Founded in 2013
Summa Iuris is the publication organ of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA LUIS AMIGÓ. Its periodicity is half-yearly and its coverage is national and international.
Promotes the publication of unpublished and original research articles on issues of law and related areas. It is aimed at students, researchers, professionals and people interested in these matters.