«The Poverty of Psychoanalysis». A reply to contemporary psychoanalytic research


  • Tonatiuh Gallardo Núñez Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México image/svg+xml




Criticism, Epistemology, Music, Psychoanalysis, Research, Science


In this paper, I analyse two recent psychoanalytic publications and draw some
methodological flaws that not only denigrate the field of psychoanalysis, but also allow us to glimpse how inherited dogmas and unjustified oversights end up banishing psychoanalytic production from the field of scientific knowledge (a fundamental matter for Freud). To address this problem, I shed light upon two simple academic practices that would allow us to get back on track and that, despite being obvious and perhaps cumbersome, have ended up being disregarded. Rigor and order in reasoning, although tedious and demanding, allow us to focus our epistemic efforts towards the advancement of knowledge. Although psychoanalytic research differs from other scientific disciplines in terms of its method and object, the form persists. Streams of
associations, despite attempts to chain them poetically, do not distance themselves from delirium; on the contrary, they make straying their goal. I conclude by mentioning two other recent psychoanalytic publications that exemplify some ways of correctly conducting scientific research in the psychoanalytic field.


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How to Cite

Gallardo Núñez, T. . (2024). «The Poverty of Psychoanalysis». A reply to contemporary psychoanalytic research. Poiésis, (47), 39–56. https://doi.org/10.21501/16920945.5067



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