Hope as a predictor of post-traumtic in COVID-19 survivors
Personal Agency, Post Traumatic Growth, Hope, Logistic Regression, Covid-19, Pandemic, Spiritual changeAbstract
Hope is the state of disposition, faith and thought that a situation will improve, but it is not known if it favors post traumatic growth (PTG). For this reason, the objective is to determine if hope contributes to post-traumatic growth, taking into account a population that suffers the effects of the Covid19 pandemic. This research with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional design and exploratory, descriptive and explanatory framed in a hypothetical-deductive and statistical method. The sample was non-probabilistic, directed and for convenience, because participation was voluntary and open. The participants were 186 adults from La Paz, Bolivia between the ages of 18 and 60. The results indicate that hope and the CPT have a positive correlation. In addition, the agency proves to be favorable for the development of the CPT and its factors Relationship with Others, New Possibilities, Spiritual Change and Appreciation for Life. Instead, Personal Strength benefits from the Dispositional State of Hope. While the Roads factor does not turn out to be significant to predict the CPT.
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