Psychometric quality of an instrument: brief review


  • Nathaly Berrío García Coordinadora del Grupo Problemas Clínicos y Psicosociales Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt
  • Karina Paola Zedán-Salinas Pasante de investigación Programa +Mujer +Ciencia +Equidad



Evaluation methods, Measurement, Psychometrics, Psychological tests


The objective of this review is to review the technical characteristics and psychometric properties that psychological instruments must have, for their safe and ethical use. The psychometric properties of the items of a test include six aspects that must be measured adequately and in their entirety so that the evaluation of technical quality is complete: difficulty and discrimination of the items, evidence of validity and reliability, homogeneity of the items, analysis of distractors and differential functioning of the items. We concluded that the technical quality of a test must be related to its choice by psychologists, and that it is an ethical decision of those who have the responsibility to carry out an objective and consistent follow-up based on evidence, regardless of the field. job in which they work.


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How to Cite

Berrío García, N., & Zedán-Salinas, K. P. (2023). Psychometric quality of an instrument: brief review. Poiésis, (45), 95–110.



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