Social relations and social protection of migrants in the Basque Country from a narrative approach


  • Lucas Gatica



Euskadi, Immigration, Integration, Migrants, Social-emotional welfare, Social relations, Social welfare


Social welfare has long been considered something that states and their institutions provide to their citizens. On the other hand, the latest data indicate that 3.5% of the world's population lives in a country in which they were not born (UN, 2019). In this context, what place do the social relationships of migrants occupy in their well-being and what relationship do these interactions have with access to different resources? This article analyzes the narratives around the social well-being of Latin American migrants residing in the Basque Country and their relationship with the social relationships they use. It is pointed out that lasting friendships, certain transcendental contacts and the existence of a support network prior to arrival in the new society are fundamental in the integration process and could play a role in the social and emotional well-being of migrants. The narratives are discussed and the importance of these elements in the “social” sphere is analyzed. In this way, we intend to approach the process of integration of migrants by questioning the argument that exclusively relationships with people from the majority society promote integration and protection.


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How to Cite

Gatica, L. (2022). Social relations and social protection of migrants in the Basque Country from a narrative approach. Poiésis, (43), 37–57.



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