The Family myths about mental illness. A metaphor for the subjective position of the participants


  • Stephany Trujillo Jaramillo Estudiante
  • Anthony Douglas Maya Rendón



Analytical psychology, Family, Family myths, Mental Illness, Mirror, Myth, Psychoanalysis



The present essay, is the result of the investigation Family Myths about Mental Illness, carried out within the framework of the course Degree Work II to opt for the degree of Psychologists. The question that guided our research is: What are the myths about mental illness in two generations of a family in which one of its members has mental illness? We relied on Psychoanalysis and Analytical Psychology for the interpretation of the results. The research was carried out with a qualitative methodological design and a descriptive phenomenological approach through a case study. The Kinetic Drawing of the family in the present and the Kinetic Drawing of the family in the past, as well as the conversational narrative with a semi-structured interview were used as instruments for the collection of information.  The research participants are two adult women, mother and daughter, where the latter was diagnosed with mental illness at some point in her life.  From the research process it is concluded that the family myth about mental illness is weakness "something that only happens to people with weak character", however, this myth has been transformed, because mental illness in the family is currently seen as a means for the acquisition and endowment of qualities, as something that strengthens the soul.


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How to Cite

Trujillo Jaramillo, S., & Maya Rendón, A. D. . (2022). The Family myths about mental illness. A metaphor for the subjective position of the participants. Poiésis, (43), 112–123.



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