Psychological elegy for a country in flames


  • Daniel Bonilla Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Colombia, Literature, National strike, Psychology, Social emergency, Social mobilization, Social psychology


The purpose of this text is to reflect on the events that have emerged in Colombia as a result of the national strike called for April 28, 2021. The exercise is thought from the field of social psychology and literature that serve as articulating axes to enter the field of social movements. Taking into account that it is from the literary expression and conceptual contributions that an approach to these social phenomena can be made. For this, some literary works that may be related to the current Colombian context
are mentioned; then the reflection enters the area of psychology, mainly social and political psychology to establish a dialogue with the social reality that the country is experiencing at this moment of social effervescence. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the disciplinary work in the face of social, political and cultural demands in situations such as social mobilizations. 


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How to Cite

Bonilla, D. (2022). Psychological elegy for a country in flames. Poiésis, (42), 84–93.



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